
Caesars Raid 55BC - Objectives





After Caesar had conquered Gaul there would have to be a question of why cross the channel and invade Britain?

  1. Several tribes located in northern Gaul had close links with tribes located in southern Britain. These British tribes would have been naturally upset at having relatives across the channel who were defeated and subjected to Roman domination.
  2. British tribes provided a ready refuge to related Gallic tribesmen unwilling to submit to Roman domination and ready to continued the fight.
  3. Druids were a strong source of encouraging resistance to the Romans and were strongly based in Britain.
  4. Roman culture placed considerable emphasis on military victory for advancement and with Mark Anthony and Pompey the two main protagonists in Rome it would have been in Caesars interest to remain away from Rome until this internal conflict was settled.
    A continuing military need for the Legions under his control would have lessened the chance of them being ordered back to Rome so reducing the personal power which loyal legions under his control gave him.
  5. Military victory which enlarged the Roman sphere of domination (Empire) always gave its commander great glory.
  6. Military victory, especially across the unknown waters of the Channel outside the recognised boundary of the world would have greatly strengthened his renown.
  7. Britain had considerable wealth which would have paid for an expedition by extracting  plunder and tribute from defeated tribes; (British exports included pearls, tin from Cornwall known since the Phoenicians, grain, gold, silver, iron, hides, slaves and hunting dogs.) This plunder could also have helped finance his political advancement when he finally returned to Rome.


- 55BC Objectives
- 55BC Timing
- 55BC Crossing
- 55BC Military Units
- 55BC Landing
- 55BC Land Operations

This page last edited - 22 December, 2012.

Copyright © Ian M King, except where otherwise indicated.