
To: Sailing Ship Rates

Sail 1786 to 1829 - Other vessels etc

Alphabetical list of Ships - (Note: At early stage of being compiled)

A to D

E to L

M to R

S to Z

Acheron (1803) 8
Africa (1803) 
Albacore (1828) 
Albion (1803) 6
Albion (1808) 6
Algerine (1810) 10
Ambush (1815) 2
Amphitrite (1793)
Anne (1798) 14
Ant (1797) 8
Ant (1815) 4
Antelope (1808) 14
Ariadne (1805) 
Arrogant (1810)
Arrow (1805) 14
Arrow (1823) 10
Attentive (1812)
Barracouta (1804) 4
Basilisk (1822) 6
Bellona (1794) 3
Bermuda (1813) 
Bermuda (1819)
Blazer (1797) 12
Blazer (1804) 12
Boxer (1797) 12
Brave (1798) 12
Brighton (1795) 14
Bristol (1812) 
Bruizer (1797) 12
Bulldog (1794) 4
Caledonia (1807) 3
Calypso (1826) 2
Captain (1825) 
Caroline (1794) 3
Caroline (1809)
Cassandra (1806) 10
Chatham (1788)
Chatham (1790) 4
Chatham (1811)
Chatham (1813)
Chatham (1835)
Cheerful (1806) 12
Chichester (1809) 26
Clyde (1805) 4
Contest (1797) 14
Contest (1799) 5
Contest (1799) 14
Crane (1806) 4
Crown (1794) 
Cumberland (1803)
Decoy (1810) 10
Defender (1809) 8
Defiance (1794) 4
Deptford (1788) 6
Devastation (1804) 8
Diana (1807) 10
Eagle (1794) 4
Eclipse (1797) 12
Emerald (1820) 
Enterprise (1806) 
Express (1800) 6
Express (1808)
Express (1815) 
Fearless (1794) 12
Ferret (1794) 4
Ferret (1799) 6
Forester (1794) 4
Fowey (1795) 3
Fox (1794) 10
Fox (1799) 14
Fury (1794) 4
Fury (1814) 14
Gallant (1797) 12
Garland (1798) 6
Gipsy (1799) 19
Gipsy (1804) 10
Hardy (1797) 12
Hart (1793)
Hasty (1797) 12
Hasty (1812) 12
Haughty (1797) 12
Hermes (1798) 22
Highflyer (1813) 8
Highflyer (1822) 2
Hind (1790) 
Howe (1805) 20
Hunter (1812) 10
Indefatigable (1804) 
Kangaroo (1829) 3
Kent (1798) 16
Leopard (1794) 4
Lion (1794) 4
Lion (1823) 
Lively (1797) 16
Lively (1805)
Lord Nelson (1800) 
Lucifer (1803) 8
Magpie (1806) 4
Magpie (1826) 5
Manchester (1814)
Mary Rose (1799) 4
Mercury (1807)
Mermaid (1798) 1
Meteor (1797) 12
Meteor (1803) 9
Meteor (1812)
Milford (1816)
Mohawk (1795)
Mohawk (1798) 
Mohawk (1810) 10
Nonpareil (1807) 14
Nile (1806) 12
Nottingham (1796) 3
Pakenham (1797) 1
Pallas (1798) 
Pandora (1833) 3
Pioneer (1810) 12
Plymouth (1786) 8
Plymouth (1796) 8
Porpoise (1798)
Porpoise (1799) 10
Porpoise (1804) 10
Portland (1795)
Prince of Wales (1795) 38
Quail (1806) 4
Quail (1817)
Ranger (1787) 14
Ranger (1806) 16 
Rapid (1808) 12
Repulse (1794) 4
Retribution (1814)
Revenge (1796) 8
Rochester (1800)
Royal George (1817) 
Royalist (1797) 14
Royalist (1798) 4
Sandwich (1804) 10
Sandwich (1805) 12
Scorpion (1794) 4
Scourge (1794) 4 
Serpent (1794) 4
Shannon (1814) 10
Shark (1794) 4
Snipe (1828) 6
Sparrow (1796) 12
Sparrow (1828) 10
Spiteful (1797) 12
Star (1808) 
Starling (1817) 10
Starling (1829) 4
Success (1797) 3
Suffolk (1805)
Surprize (1786) 10
Surprise (1799) 10
Surprise (1814) 2
Sussex (1802)
Swift (1794)
Swift (1798) 
Swift (1817)
Sylph (1806) 8
Sylph (1821)
Teazer (1794) 14
Teazer (1798) 6
Thames (1805)
Thames (1814) 6
Thetis (1796) 8
Tiger (1794) 4
Trinidad (1805) 10
Undaunted (1799) 
Urchin (1797) 
Vengeance (1793) 
Vigilant (1803) 8
Vigilant (1806) 8
Vigilant (1821) 12
Violet (1806) 10
Woodcock (1806) 4
Wrangler (1797) 12
Yarmouth (1798)
Zephyr (1823) 6
Name (year) guns Name (year) guns Name (year) guns Name (year) guns

A to D

E to L

M to R

S to Z

To: Sailing Ship Rates
To 1786 to 1829:
1st to 4th Rate :
5th Rate :
6th Rate :
Sloops, Brigs etc :
Other vessels etc :
This page last edited - 25 March, 2013.

Copyright © Ian M King, except where otherwise indicated.